HEMOS TENIDO QUE CANCELAR ESTE EVENTO. NOS VEMOS LA SEMANA QUE VIENE 🙂 «Intercambio de Idiomas Alameda 180830» is the meeting where you can make new friends while you’re speaking languages and having fun.
Intercambio de Idiomas en Bar La Corona
This is our second Intercambio of the week, after International Rock Nights, and it’s the big one! Don’t miss out on the chance to practise your Spanish, English, French, Italian or German speaking with locals and international travellers alike – whatever your level. From absolute beginner upwards! Good prices for drinking and eating in true Andalusian fashion. Yummy, yummy!
The meeting point is in Bar La Corona, between Alameda de Hércules and Feria street, pretty close to Relator street. We start our meeting from 9 pm. If you are coming later, don’t worry about it. We’ll stay at the same place until 1 am. Better late than never.
The offers for the group are:
Beer: €1 (in place regular price, €1,20).
Wine bottle: €8 (in place regular price, €10).
Free drink with your tapa (ask for the flyer).
Really? Yeah! Only with us! 🙂
Bar La Corona – Una bebida gratis con tu tapa
In our language exchange you can practice different languages, meet new people and have a great moment. A lot of talkative, interesting and friendly people are coming. We usually speak English and Spanish, however, those languages are not the only ones. We also love speaking different languages, like German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Greek, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, among other languages. People from different countries are coming. Everyone is welcome!
When we finish there, we’ll go to other bar to keep talking and have fun!
If you have any question or you feel lost when you were in the meeting point, you can look for Eddy Towers. If you don’t find him, you must ask about him. Someone shoud know him 😉
If you want to know everything about our meetings, ask a question or keep practicing languages, you can join our WhatsApp Groups of Language Exchange. We have groups for different languages and for doing different activities which they don’t have a direct relation with languages (movies, sports, going out, sightseeing, etc…).
Practice languages in our Language Exchange. We have meetings on Thursdays, August 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th from 9 pm. Practice languages in Bar La Corona.
Tonight is the night! Don’t miss it! Join us!
Going to Intercambio shall set us happy!
Intercambio de Idiomas Alameda 180830
¡CANCELADO! Intercambio de Idiomas Alameda 180830 was last modified: agosto 30th, 2018 by Eduardo Torres Chacón
Únete al Intercambio de Idiomas tanto presencialmente como de forma online y entérate de todas nuestras actividades. Tenemos diferentes idiomas disponibles. ¡Haz amigos practicando idiomas!
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